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Enjoy the summer and feel healthier.

Summer is here! There is no better time to start planning out fun activities with your family. Promoting health in your daily lives sets your family up for good habits. Summer provides great conditions for you to do just that. By staying active during the summer, you can make the most of the season while prioritizing your family's health.

Sports Activities.

You might have a sport-fanatic family. Maybe you are thinking about picking up your old high school sport as a hobby. Whatever the reason, playing a sport during the summer can bring excitement and health into your life. The sunny sky is perfect weather to get your family and friends together for a sports match. Basketball is loved by many, and for good reason. It’s a sport that most people can play with a favorite team to reference. It’s also an excellent way to improve your cardio fitness and endurance. Soccer is an exciting sport to play with a large group. The running in combination with tricks will be sure to tire you out while putting a smile on your faces. Soccer is a great sport for your leg muscles. Don’t let tennis fool you into thinking it’s an easy sport. It can promote strong bones, reduce stress and wipe you out if your opponent is strategic. It’s also best played in great weather! Summer can have its off days. It can suddenly be gloomy or raining. You might think sports isn’t the way to go during these days. Cities close to the ocean can agree that surfing is a sport best done anytime. Consider loading up the car with your boogie and surf boards because the ocean doesn’t care if you are dry or wet. Surfing is great for your core, back, and shoulder strength. Don’t miss out on the perfect opportunity to bond with your family through sports during the summer. Your health will not regret it.

Outdoor Activities.

Heading outdoors doubles as good exercise and allows for lasting memories. An activity that is popular among all ages is hiking. Explore nature by heading to nearby trails. It offers a chance to get your steps in and enjoy beautiful views with those around you. Another option to consider is biking. Dust off your bicycles and go for a family bike ride. Cycling is a fantastic cardio workout that’s also an eco-friendly way of getting around. Take a ride with your family to your local park. If you're looking to beat the summer heat, swimming is the way to go. Taking a dip in the water provides a refreshing escape while engaging your muscle groups. Check-out swimming areas near you. Lastly, consider a getaway to a campsite. Camping can offer different physical and mental benefits. Camping allows you to disconnect from technology and engage in activities like fishing and stargazing. This is good for overall well-being. So, whether you choose to break a sweat or find some peace in the mountains, the outdoors provides the perfect combination of exercise and fun.

Indoor Activities.

Some families may not be able to participate outdoors together. The good news is that there are other fun physical activities you can do as a family indoors. Yoga for instance, is an activity where many can participate. It helps improve flexibility, balance, and strength while reducing stress levels. Dancing is a great way to improve your mood. Not only can you work on your rhythm while listening to smooth music but you can also burn a few calories. If dancing is not your pick, look into rock-climbing. Indoor rock-climbing offers engaging exercise without going outdoors. Conquer the walls by challenging your upper body strength. This activity will be sure to wipe you out and enhance balance and strength. For more kid friendly activities, don’t shy away from trampoline parks. Bouncing on trampolines is an energetic way to get moving indoors. It’s also a good bonding activity that will be sure to create lasting memories.

Healthy Eating Habits.

Summer activities don’t always have to include physical activities. Talking about food can be an opportunity for your family to learn about the food they eat. It can help them form healthy eating habits. This also serves as a way to foster happy family ties. Take advantage of the summer harvest by introducing healthy meal planning to your family. Pick out fresh fruit and veggies and plan your weekly meals. By doing this, you family can form a healthy relationship between cooking and planning meals in advance. Eating meals together at the table is another form of well-being. Having meaningful conversations with your family is comforting to the mind and soul. Enjoy family time gathered around a hearty meal. When doing activities outside the home be sure to avoid unhealthy habits. This can include snacking on high processed foods or not drinking enough water. Be sure to start forming healthier habits for you and your family.

This summer, look for new ways to keep your family engaged with their health. School may be out, but the learning continues for a lifelong path to a healthy life. Plan out those activities for the sunny summer days before they’re gone.

Visit Clinicas

At Clinicas, we can help you and your family establish great health routines. We’re here to help you and your family. We offer Primary Care services at our health centers throughout Ventura County. You can read more about Clinicas Primary Care online. Help your family establish good health care today.
